TMJ and Jaw Pain Relief
TMJ is a serious issue. One that, if left unchecked, can lead to some painful surgeries or the requirement to wear an appliance in your mouth for months, 24/7 even while eating. Of course, jaw pain doesn’t need to get to that stage. Especially if diagnosis and treatment are started early.
Do you experience any of the following:
Clicking and popping while chewing?
Limited motion of locking of your Jaw?
Sore Jaw in the Morning?
Pressure behind the ears and/or eyes?
It could be TMJ, a disorder affecting the jaw joint, more specifically the point where the lower jaw connects to the skull. This is why pressure behind the ears, trouble hearing and sensations of sinus pain are often cited as symptoms by TMJ sufferers.
Left untreated TMJ can become extremely painful and cause difficulty eating, speaking or doing anything that requires the movement of your jaw.
Treatment Options for TMJ
Often TMJ is treated by a dentist or orthodontist. A primary treatment option is an in-mouth appliance that is to be worn for several months or up to a year, 24/7, even while eating.
The success rate on these in-mouth appliances is good, but they can affect eating and speech. Not to mention the cost can be very high.
Alternative treatments which have been proven effective both on their own as well as in conjunction with your dentist or orthodontist are:
Massage Therapy
Laser Treatment
These three alternatives are far less invasive than an in-mouth appliance and are a viable treatment option to relieve the pain and discomfort associated with TMJ.
Of course, self-diagnosing in today’s Internet age can be dangerous. Your first defense against jaw pain should be a consultation with a professional practitioner who can help determine the right treatment regimen for you.